
Organic Waste/Compost

Composting organic waste is a simple and effective way to reduce the amount of waste that goes to landfills. By composting green or yard waste, food waste, and other organic materials, we can create a nutrient-rich soil amendment that can be used in gardens and landscaping.

Please note: Anything outside of your container is considered extra waste and will not be removed unless the account owner has contacted the office beforehand to request pickup.

Mountain Waste & Recycling Organic Waste/Compost Services

Residential composting programs are growing in popularity as more people become aware of the benefits of composting. In addition to reducing landfill waste, composting also reduces the need for chemical fertilizers and can help to conserve water.

As we work towards our goal of Zero Waste, it is important to learn about and implement practices like composting that can help us move closer to that goal. Contact Mountain Waste & Recycling to sign up for compost pickup services and to request a container.

Mountain Waste & Recycling Compost Pickup Services

A common-sense solution for keeping hundreds of pounds of waste out of the landfill.


Healthy compost requires a good mix of “brown” and “green” materials. Browns – organic food sources, coffee grounds, tea bags, etc. – are rich in carbon and carbohydrates. They add bulk to the compost pile and help air to flow and filter through it. Greens are scraps and clippings you’ll largely gather outside – leaves, grass, plants, branches and sticks, etc. These materials are rich in nitrogen and sometimes protein. They add heat to a compost pile, encouraging microorganisms in the pile to quickly multiply.

The Brown:​ An average single household produces upwards of 200 pounds of kitchen waste every year. Think about the scraps of food and other organic materials you toss into the trash every day – meat, pasta, fruit, vegetables, bread, coffee grounds, tea bags. Do your part to divert loads of organic waste from the landfill and provide rich soil for tomorrow’s agricultural needs by participating in Mountain Waste & Recycling’s community composting services.

The SCRAPS program is a joint effort by the Pitkin County Solid Waste Center (landfill) and city Departments of Environmental Health and Sustainability to assist businesses and residents in diverting organic waste from the landfill. The motto is: “If you can eat ‘em, scrap ‘em!”

The Green: Green waste includes any general yard waste, sticks, branches, grass, leaves, plants and flowers. These materials can be mixed together but should not include dirt, rock, trash or any other non-compostable material.

How It Works

Community composting is currently available for Mountain Waste & Recycle customers from Carbondale to Aspen.

To sign up for our compost pickup services contact us online​ or by phone at (970) 963-3435​ to request a container.

Please note: Anything outside of your container is considered extra waste and will not be removed unless the account owner has contacted the office beforehand to request pickup.

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Residential Services

Ofrecemos horarios de recogida convenientes y un servicio confiable. El reciclaje de basura residencial está disponible dondequiera que ofrezcamos recolección de basura.